Portland Sees Alarming Increase in Car Crashes and Injuries in Recent Years

New data from the Portland Crash Analysis & Reporting Unit reveals a troubling upward trend in motor vehicle crashes over the past year. Compared to the previous year,Portland saw an 18.76% increase overall in crashes in 2021,including a 20% rise in fatal crashes and 22.67% more non-fatal injury crashes.

In raw numbers,Portland recorded over 45,000 crashes in 2021,including 552 deadly crashes and nearly 24,000 crashes that resulted in non-fatal injuries. An additional 21,014 crashes resulted in property damage only. This translates to approximately 125 crashes per day on average in 2021.

More Crashes Leading to More Injuries and Fatalities

With the large increase in crashes,injuries and fatalities also rose significantly. Five hundred ninety-nine people were killed in Portland traffic crashes in 2021,an 18.15% increase over 2020. Total people injured jumped by over 28% to nearly 36,000 injured.

Drivers accounted for the majority of fatalities and injuries,but vulnerable road users like pedestrians and bicyclists also saw high casualty counts. 88 total pedestrians and eighteen bicyclists were killed in crashes last year,with many more injured.

Errors Leading to Crashes

Driver errors were the top cause of most crashes in Portland last year. The most common mistakes included:

  • Failing to avoid stopped or parked vehicles ahead
  • Failing to yield right-of-way
  • Driving too fast for the conditions
  • Inattention/distraction
  • Following too closely

For pedestrians,the top errors were failing to yield right-of-way and crossing between intersections rather than at crosswalks. Bicyclists most often did not to yield right-of-way or rode inattentively.

Young Drivers at High Risk

The data shows young drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were involved in a disproportionate share of fatal and injury crashes compared to their share of drivers. This age group was involved in over 18% of such crashes despite making up a far smaller portion of total drivers.

Call for Action

The alarming rise in crashes and injuries on Portland’s streets presents a major public safety issue. As the data makes clear,more must be done to improve driver awareness and skills,enhance traffic law enforcement,redesign dangerous roads,and protect vulnerable road users.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle crash,contact insert name,a personal injury lawyer in Portland,OR,at Harlan Law Firm. They have decades of experience winning compensation for crash victims in Portland and understand the impact these traumatic events have on victims’ lives. Work with a seasoned legal team to recover damages,hold negligent parties accountable,and help make the roadways safer for everyone.


A Guide to Achieving a High Score in IB Math

For many students,the IB Math curriculum can feel like a labyrinthine maze,filled with intricate formulas,complex equations,and seemingly insurmountable challenges. But fear not,scholars! With the right tools,strategies,and a dedicated IB Math tutor by your side,you can not only navigate this mathematical landscape but emerge triumphantly,with a high score clutched firmly in your hand.

Laying the Foundation

The journey to success in IB Math begins with a solid foundation in core concepts. This foundation is not merely about memorizing formulas; it’s about developing a deep understanding of the underlying principles and logic behind them. Remember,formulas are tools,not answers. Invest time in truly grasping the “why” behind each formula,and you’ll find yourself solving problems not just accurately,but with confidence and clarity.

An experienced IB Math tutor hong kong can be a valuable guide on this journey. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses,address any gaps in your understanding,and explain complex concepts clearly and engagingly. With their personalized guidance and support,you can build a strong conceptual foundation that will serve as your bedrock throughout the IB Math curriculum.

Mastering Problem-Solving Techniques

Once your conceptual foundation is firmly in place,it’s time to hone your problem-solving skills. IB Math is not about rote memorization; it’s about applying your knowledge to solve novel and challenging problems. This requires a diverse toolbox of problem-solving techniques,including:

  • Visualization: Drawing diagrams and graphs can help you visualize relationships between variables and concepts,leading to clearer understanding and innovative solutions.
  • Reasoning: Develop your logical reasoning skills to analyze problems,identify patterns,and make informed deductions.
  • Estimation: Learn to estimate answers to quickly check your work and ensure accuracy.
  • Back solving: Work backward from the desired answer to identify the steps needed to achieve it.
  • Collaboration: Discussing problems with classmates and tutors can offer new perspectives and spark creative solutions.

An IB Math tutor hong kong can be your training ground for these essential skills. They can guide you through practice problems,provide feedback on your approach,and help you develop effective strategies for tackling diverse problem types. By actively practicing and refining your problem-solving arsenal,you’ll be prepared to face any challenge the IB Math curriculum throws your way.

Cultivating a Love for Mathematics

At its core,mathematics is a language of beauty,logic,and creativity. The journey through IB Math should not be solely about achieving a high score; it should also be an opportunity to discover the joy and wonder inherent in this fascinating subject.

An IB Math tutor can be more than just a guide; they can be an inspiration. Their passion for mathematics can ignite your curiosity and encourage you to explore the subject beyond the confines of the curriculum. This intrinsic motivation will fuel your dedication and allow you to truly appreciate the elegance and power of mathematics.


Achieving a high score in IB Math is not a solo endeavor. It requires dedication,hard work,and the right guidance. By building a strong foundation,mastering problem-solving techniques,embracing the challenges of the exams,and cultivating a love for mathematics,you can embark on a successful journey through the IB Math curriculum. And with the support of an experienced IB Math tutor by your side,you can navigate the mathematical maze with confidence,emerging victorious with a high score in your hand and a deeper appreciation for the beauty and power of mathematics. Remember,the journey to IB Math success is a marathon,not a sprint. Embrace the challenges,celebrate your achievements, and never stop exploring the vast and fascinating world of mathematics.

For more information: ib math tutor hong kong

Hair Loss Treatments

The treatment for hair loss is different based on the severity and type of the loss. Determine if the loss is caused by genetics or through hormonal changes,and then treat the issue in a manner that is appropriate. The best time to begin treatment is before it gets too late,so that the treatments be more effective. You can also learn more about it at -

Both genders are affected by hair loss and thinness. This is a common condition that is common in older people. Medical conditions and cancer treatments can cause hair loss. It may also be a aspect of normal ageing. Hair loss can often be reversed once the underlying cause is addressed. You can also checkout this - too. It work for me!

The first step in treating hair loss is a visit to your dermatologist. Your doctor may inquire about the signs of loss and past history and may conduct some tests. This may include a blood test,or a scalp biopsies (where the doctor takes the scalp of a small amount to look at hair follicles).

Your dermatologist should be able tell from your symptoms if hair loss is occurring. If your hair loss is caused by a hormone imbalance the doctor may prescribe a medication to regulate your hormones and stop loss of hair.

You may need to take corticosteroid pills to reduce your immune system. This will enable you to develop healthy hair. These medications,which are available in pills or topical solutions with a physician’s prescription,can be taken by mouth.

Many people cover their loss of hair with hairstyles,makeup and caps. Some people choose to restore their natural hair follicles and treat the condition. This requires an appointment with a dermatologist or specialist at a salon.

Certain types of loss of hair are permanent,such as male or female pattern baldness. Finasteride,minoxidil and other FDA-approved treatments for hair loss can be used to reduce and even reverse the symptom. Through our investigation,we discovered that several firms,like Ro,provide an online health program that offers consultations with experienced doctors and the ability to have your prescriptions shipped directly to you. This type of digital health clinic offers a convenient,cost-effective and secure method of addressing hair loss. To find out more about this innovative healthcare model visit.